Privacy Policy


Version: 2:00:290523 | This version is effective from 29/05/2023. All previous versions are cancelled.

Casino de Spa (hereinafter "") is committed to protecting personal data. To this end, we take all necessary actions to protect the privacy of our visitors and users (hereinafter the "Users") of the online gaming site (hereinafter "the Site"). Users will find below the provisions regarding the processing of personal data applicable during any visit or use of the Site by the Users (hereinafter "Privacy Policy")

Users will find below the provisions regarding the processing of personal data which apply during any visit to or use of the Site by the Users (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy policy”).


1. Background

2. Processing of personal data that does not require Users' consent

2.1. Legal obligations of and data processing necessary for the use of the Site

2.2. Other processing of personal data for which Users' consent is not obtained is required

3. Processing of personal data that does require Users' consent

4. Users' rights

4.1. Right of access

4.2. Right to request rectification

4.3. Right to object to data processing

4.4. Right to be forgotten

4.5. Right to restrict data processing

4.6. Transfer of data to another data controller

4.7. Modalities

4.8. Notification

5. Location, retention, and retention period of personal data

6. Liability of - Data processor

7. Miscellaneous

1. Background processes personal data of Users of the Site for the purposes and within the limits of the Privacy Policy, during each visit to or use of the Site. When processing personal data, takes care to comply with applicable laws and regulations, namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 / the EN General Data Processing Regulation) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter "the Regulation"). In this regard, and pursuant to this Regulation,;

- legally obliged to process the personal data of Users. This processing is explained in article 2.1 of the Privacy Policy;

- also processes personal data to enable Users to use the Site and for necessary and legitimate purposes as set out in Article 2.2 of the Privacy Policy;

- processes the personal data stated and for the purposes stated in Article 3, after the prior, free and express consent of the Users.

By accessing and using the Site, Users are deemed to have accepted the Privacy Policy have read and accepted. Furthermore, they guarantee that the data and information are correct.

2. Processing of personal data for which no consent of the Users is required

2.1. The legal obligations of and the data processing required for the use of the Site is bound, on the one hand, by the legal and regulatory obligations to which all online gaming and betting operators are subject . On the other hand, for the purposes of authenticating Users and enabling them to use the Site, is obliged to process the following personal data for the reasons set out below.

This processing of personal data by does not require Users' consent under Article 6.1(b) and (c) of the Regulation. The personal data provided by the User will be kept in a file managed by and remaining at all times under the responsibility of, as set out in article 7.1.

a. What kind of personal data are processed?

The following personal data are processed:

- surnames, first name(s), date of birth, language, gender, place of residence/address, national identification number (or identity card or passport number), e-mail address, fixed or mobile phone number;

- bank details when transactions are carried out on the Site for deposit and recording profits;

- copies of personal documents verifying the User, such as a photograph of a identity card, a bank statement, delivery note or any other document that the residence and/or address of the User.

- the User's web history and his or her activities on the Site, including the gambling history, its transactions (wins and losses, bets, deposits, withdrawals, bonuses, prizes or other forms of rewards), visits (browser data, IP address), especially by the use of cookies; which the User can check or change at any time here.

- any other information that may be exchanged between and the User, in particular via email or live chat, as part of his or her registration or through the use of online games and betting offered on the website.

b. What data processing does carry out?

Data processing consists of collecting, recording, storing, consulting, organising, use, cross-reference or any other act that may become necessary or useful in the framework of the legal and regulatory provisions mentioned in Article 2.1.c). Processing may also include the transmission of personal data:

- to judicial and administrative authorities, including in particular the Gambling Authority;

- to suppliers of, whose services are required for the use of the Site and who are named on a list that can be requested from the contact person mentioned in article 7.5;

c. What are the purposes of this data processing?

1) is obliged to process personal data according to Articles 2.1a and b in order to comply to the legal and regulatory obligations to which they are attached, namely the following legal provisions:

- the WWFT (Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Act, 22 April 2020) to Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;

- the Betting and Gaming Act, the Distance Gambling Act (KOA) and the Distance Gambling Regulations on gambling, betting, gaming establishments and the protection of players, in particular the obligations of operators in terms of management and administration, with the introduction of Cruks (Central Register of Excluded Players) and implementation orders.

2) also processes personal data set out in Clause 2.1.a) to authenticate players for access to and use of the Sit e. This processing is done in order to:

- manage user registrations and accounts,

- manage deposits and winnings and, more generally, offer online play and betting services ;

- inform users of services offered by;

- customer services manage customer service and fraud risk.

2.2. Other processing of personal data for which Users' consent is not obtained required also processes the following personal data for the legitimate purposes set out below. This processing of personal data by does not require Users' consent under Article 6.1f of the Regulation.

The personal data provided by the User are kept in a file managed by and remain at all times under the responsibility of, as set out in article 7.1.

a. What kind of personal data are processed?

The following personal data are processed:

- surnames, first name(s), date of birth, language, gender, place of residence/address, language, email address, fixed or mobile phone number;

- bank details uses for deposits & withdrawals on the Site;

- copies of personal documents enabling the authentication of Users, such as a photo of the identity card, an account statement, proof of deposits or any other document proving the User's residence and/or address;

- User's web history and his or her activities on the Site, including the gambling history, transactions (winnings and losses, wagers, deposits, withdrawals, bonuses, prizes or other forms of rewards), visits (browser data, IP address), in particular through the use of cookies;

- any other information that may be exchanged between and the User, in particular via email or live chat, as part of his or her registration or through the use of online games and betting offered on the Site.

b. What data processing does carry out?

Data processing consists of collecting, recording, storing, consulting, organising, use, cross-reference of personal data set out in Article 2.2a. This also consists of the passing on this personal data to third parties. A list of these can be requested be at the contact person mentioned in Article 7.5.

c. What are the legitimate purposes of this data processing? processes personal data listed in Section 2.2a for the following legitimate purposes:

- releasing new games;

- promoting, advertising and marketing online games (as well as managing other affiliate and loyalty programmes ), including sending SMS messages, phone calls, push notifications and electronic and paper newsletters ;

- participating in competitions or promotional offers, including communication in link to winners;

- to conduct satisfaction surveys, statistical studies, trend analysis and market research conduct to improve online gaming services or protect Users and gambling addiction prevent, as well as management, marketing and reporting purposes, including profiling.

3. Processing of personal data that does require Users' consent

By using the website, for whatever reason, the User gives their free, individual, informed and unambiguous consent to The personal data provided by the User will be kept in a file managed by and remain at all times under the responsibility of, as set out in Article 7.1. The User will also have certain rights, including the right to withdraw their consent at any time, according to the terms of Article 3.4.

3.1. Nature of personal data processed processes the following personal data:

- surnames, first name(s), date of birth, language, gender, place of residence/address, national identification number (or identity card or passport number), e-mail address, fixed or mobile phone number;

- user's web history and his or her activities on the Site, including the gambling history (casino and sports betting), their transactions (wins and losses, wagers, deposits, withdrawals, bonuses, prizes or other forms of rewards), visits (browser data, IP address), in particular through the use of cookies;

- any other information that may be exchanged between and the User, in particular via email or live chat, as part of his or her registration and use of online games and betting offered on the Site. The personal data provided by the User shall be kept in a file managed by and remain at all times under the responsibility of, as set out in Article 7.1.

3.2. Data processing

Data processing consists of the collection, recording, storage, consultation, organisation, use, cross-referencing of personal data set out in Article 3.1. This also consists of passing on these personal data to third parties. A list of these can be requested from the contact mentioned in Article 7.5.

3.3. Purposes of processing personal data

Personal data is collected and processed by for the purpose of:

- promoting, advertising and marketing activities, including membership and managing loyalty programmes around the provision of online gaming services, including the sending of SMS messages, phone calls, push notifications, paper or electronic newsletters in which personal data are processed by third parties.

4. Rights of the User

Without prejudice to Articles 2 and 5, the User may exercise his or her rights to request that their data be modified, to avoid processing and to limit processing, according to the conditions and within the limits set out below.

4.1. Right of access

a. may provide Users with the following information:

- the name and contact details of the data controller;

- the contact details of the data protection officer;

- the personal data processed;

- the purposes for which the personal data is processed and the legal basis for such processing;

- the recipients or categories, as applicable;

- and, if applicable, the fact that the data controller intends to transfer personal data to a country outside the European Union and: whether an adequacy decision has (or has not) been adopted by the European Commission, and if a decision of that nature has not been adopted, the safeguards offered by the non-EU country and the means deployed to obtain copies of the personal data.

- The option to object to automatic processing of their data including profiling, unless there are legitimate reasons for to process their data, including the option to object to any processing of their personal data for marketing purposes.

b. Users have the right to see the information referred to in this Article and Article 3.1 at any time through the contact mentioned in Article 7.5. will respond to requests for such information within one month.

c. Users may obtain a copy of personal data being processed. For any additional copy, reserves the right to demand payment for any costs incurred be incurred in connection with this new request. These costs will be calculated on the basis of the administrative costs incurred for the request and will not exceed €20.

d. Users have the right to receive information or a copy thereof in a structured format request so that personal data is displayed in a format that complies with technical standards when the access request was made. This format will allow automatic readability.

4.2. Right to request rectification guarantees and asks Users to update and improve their personal data if it becomes incorrect or incomplete. This right to rectify data can be exercised by contacting the person in Section 7.5.

4.3. Right to object to data processing allows Users to object to the processing of their personal data, in whole or in part, based on the following reasons:

- the data is incorrect

- the processing is no longer necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected;

- the User has withdrawn his or her consent;

- this data was processed illegally.

On top of that, allows Users to object to:

- automatic processing of their data including profiling, unless there are legitimate reasons for to process their data.

- any processing of their personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling if this is linked to this marketing.

The right to object to the processing of data can be exercised by the person in Clause 7.5 to contact.

4.4. Right to be forgotten also undertakes to resolve any requests to delete data as soon as possible. follow (right to be forgotten) when:

- the processing is no longer necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected;

- the User has withdrawn his or her consent;

- this data was illegally processed or must be deleted following a legal obligation.

- the User objects to the automatic processing of his or her data including profiling, unless there are legitimate reasons for to process their data.

- the User objects to any processing of his or her personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling if linked to this marketing.

4.5. Right to restrict data processing

Users also have the right to restrict the processing of their data by when:

- the User believes that these personal details are inaccurate, while believes the accuracy of check this information.

- the processing is illegal and the User does not want their data deleted but requests that the processing is limited;

- the User objects to any processing of his or her personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling where this is linked to such marketing and it is necessary to check the legality of's reasons for continuing such processing.

- no longer needs the personal data but the data subject wishes to update it hold to put down, implement or defend legal claims.

The right to restrict the processing of data can be exercised by the person in Article 7.5 to contact.

4.6. Transfer of data to a data controller

Users may transfer the personal data processed by to another data controller without objection from under Articles 2.2 and 3. In order to make such a transfer technically possible Users may request that this be carried out will be by their data controller.

4.7. Modalities

The rights recognised by to the User must be exercised within the framework of the modalities defined in Article 7.5. responds to User requests within one month and for this reason holds a register.

4.8. Notification will notify the User regarding any data deleted or rectified in accordance with Articles 4.2 and 4.4 unless such notification is impossible or disproportionate . This notification will be sent via letter or e-mail, according to the contact details indicated by the User.

5. Location, retention and retention period of personal data

5.1. stores Users' personal data appropriately and securely in a format that allows it to be identified and made available. This data is stored and hosted by Amazon Web Services. complies with all necessary or useful security guarantees when it comes to current technical standards.

5.2. Users' personal data is kept by for the reasons mentioned in Articles 2 and 3. These are kept for a period of 10 years for all purposes mentioned by Article 2.a; therefore reserves the right to keep personal data of Users for any legal reason due to the fact that the company does business regarding online gaming. Users state that they were informed of this and agree that is required to keep a copy of the User's identity card or identification document for at least ten years from the date of the Player's last gaming activity on the Site.

In addition personal information is held for a period no longer than the timeframe necessary for the realisation of the processing, for all purposes mentioned in articles 2 and 3 given . This is done under the condition that the retention period is taken into account, the specific characteristics of the services offered by , with the hypothesis that, on the initiative of the Game Commission, a legal authority or another third party, would be obliged to declare or exercise a legal right, in accordance with the treatment of the User's personal data.

6. Liability of - Data processor

6.1. undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data carried out becomes legal, loyal and transparent when it comes to the involved user. Any data processing operation performed by will be done in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and this Privacy Policy. will apply all reasonable and appropriate means to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data they process. These technical and organisational ways are explained in the data protection manual available from the contact person mentioned in Article 7.5.

Technical means include the anonymisation and encryption of personal data, depending on the purpose. Organisational means include conducting internal audits, in addition to the audits of the Gaming Authority to which may be subject.

If necessary, and the data protection officer conduct an impact assessment when data processing could potentially pose a high risk to Users.

6.2. Users' personal data will not be sent to third parties other than suppliers and partners of, except for the purposes set out in Articles 2.1, 2.2 and 7.2, accordingly:

- the data transfer is required by a law or regulation or when ordered by a administrative or legal authority;

- the data transfer is necessary for the provision of online gaming and betting services, or maintenance services;

- the User has consented to such transfer;

The partner will not be a data processor unless they process the personal data on behalf of will not be held responsible for the processing of personal data of the Users by partners providing their own services in their own name and on their own behalf or if it proves that it had no responsibility for the triggering event to the damage.

In the event that acts as the processor's partner, will be responsible for any damages caused by processing personal data in violation of the Regulation or this Privacy Policy, only if it does not act in accordance with obligations of the Regulation or this Privacy Policy when it comes to processors or when it acted outside or contrary to the partner's legal instructions. will not be held responsible for any damage if it can prove that they were not responsible for causing the damage.

6.3. will ensure that where processing is done by a processor on behalf of, that the processor provides sufficient assurance that technical and organisational measures have been taken and in general that, in accordance with the Regulation acted. Specifically, the processor must act in accordance with the Regulation and therefore keep a report on processing activities.

6.4. will endeavour, in the event of a security issue related to processed data that may affect confidentiality, report this as soon as possible to the data protection authority mentioned in Article 7.4 and, if possible, within 72 hours, as soon as the incident is noticed. will register any security incident and technically and organisationally necessary means deploy to solve the problem. will also inform affected Users, in the event that the data breach poses a risk for the rights and freedoms of the User; the User will be informed by mail or e-mail via the indicated contact details .

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. Registration of personal data and data protection manual As controller of personal data, keeps a record of all data processing activities. This report keeps all information regarding the type of data processed, data subjects, potential data recipients, the purposes of such data processing and how long the dates will be kept up to date, as well as a general description of technical and organisational security measures.

The personal data provided by the User, any processing of such data and the purposes of such processing are kept in a file operated by and to be at all times remains the responsibility of In addition to the information above, this report:

- a description of the purposes of the processing;

- a description of the categories of data subjects and the categories of personal data;

- the categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be sent be, including recipients in non-EU countries or international organisations;

- the deadlines for removing different data categories;

- a general description of technical safety measures.

On top of that, is currently in the process of becoming ISO 27001 certified. For this event it has produced a data protection manual detailing all technical and organisational means are escribed that ensure the security of information within ensure, including those relating to the protection of personal data. Access to this is possible through the contact person mentioned in Article 7.5.

7.2. Full agreement - modification of the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy contains all contractual provisions to which Users are bound, without prejudice to the general provisions contained in the Site's General Terms of Use of which they form an integral part. The General Terms of Use of the Site remain applicable for any matters not related to the protection of personal data.

In addition, reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy. Any updates apply to Users once published on the Site. undertakes to date on which the Privacy Policy appeared on the Site.

7.3. Evidence

The User acknowledges that the electronic documents exchanged and the electronic data collected during their use of the Site have the same probative value than when these documents or data were sent or communicated on paper. To make these reason, the User shall not dispute the force or probative value of these merely for the fact that they are in electronic form.

7.4. Data protection authority (AP)

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, the User has the right to request additional information or a file a complaint with the data protection authority in the Netherlands.

The data protection authority is the Personal Data Authority. Contact details :


Personal Data Authority

PO Box 93374

2509 AJ The Hague


Telephone: +31 (0) 88 1805 250


7.5. Contact - Information on the identity of the data controller and data protection officer can be contacted with any questions regarding the protection of the personal data of the Users in the following ways:

- Letter: Rue Royale 4, 4900 Spa, Belgium

- Email: [email protected]

Any request regarding the execution of the rights explained under Article 4 must be sent to [email protected]. has also appointed a data protection officer under Article 37 of the Regulation cited above. This person can be contacted via email: [email protected]. They are responsible for ensuring that the processing of Users' personal data is lawful and monitored.

Note: In case of differences between the English and Dutch versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail.